We are now in Kununurra, WA! Last night we stayed at Lake Argyle then the night before that Big Horse Creek (close to Timber Creek) and before that we stayed two nights at Katherine.
While we were at Katherine we went on a four hour river cruise down the Katherine Gorge.
Southern Falls, where we had a swim.
There were thousands of bats in the trees and on the banks below
were fresh water crocodiles.
We spent a lot of time in the caravan parks pool.
Lake Argyle was massive! While we were there the boys went fishing,
they each caught a few fish, that night we ate Edward's fish for tea.
Edward's catfish
The fish we ate possibly a sooty grunter?
Hydro-electricity plant. |
Spill way
Next stop, El Questro! We are leaving the caravan and will only take the tent.
Gibb River Road closed up untill the flooded pentecost river, so will explore as far as we can.