Tuesday 7 June 2011

Broome to Bea Bea Creek

After Cape Leveque we went back to Broome for 4 nights. While we were there we went to Sun Pictures Deck Chair Cinema! We saw Pirates of the Carribean, it is the oldest picture cinema still in use!

We also watched the camels on cable beach at sunset...

We found heaps of starfish on the beach opposite our camp, Roebuck Bay...

Then we went to Port Smith, we went fishing there and dad caught a double header which we had for tea that night. We could also see sea turtles as we were fishing! but I didn't get a photo in time.
On the beach there were massive shells and lots of coral washed up.

At the caravan park some kangaroos came to visit...

Then we stayed a night at Eighty Mile Beach...

We had an overnight stay at a free camp (with no toilets and no power) at Bea Bea Creek. On the way we stopped at Port Headland...

At Bea Bea Creek we had some rain, we are not used to that...

Then we went to Karijini National Park, Hamesly Rangers and Tom Price.



  1. Hi Vicki - your trip looks great. Loved the Tom Price photos - not sure about that boggy road - lucky you had the RAA with you. - Kathryn

  2. Dear Thomas I hope you have been having fun up there. THe class thanks you for the post card and the big ship photo's good. In the card their were some nice rhyming.
    from lachlan
